Angling Rules

Members must comply with the following rules:
  1. No boats or bait boats to  be used  on any waters listed in the book except Mill Pond where bait boats are permitted. Spodding is allowed in moderation but must be done carefully so as not to become snagged. Bait catapults are permitted.
  2. No swimming in any CAS waters.
  3. No fires or barbecues to be lit. (Except work parties)
  4. No member may take, or permit  to be taken, any air gun, air pistol or firearm onto any Society water.
  5. Swims must be cleared of litter before commencing to fish. You are responsible for all litter in your swim within a three metre radius including waste baits. Members breaking this rule are liable to confiscation of membership book for a period at the discretion of the Committee.
  6. Members must travel close to the water’s edge and not interfere with, nor injure, crops, shrubs or flowers, etc.
  7. Radios, including portable cassette players, must not be played. Personal stereos, 5″ TV’s and personal CD players may only may be used with headphones.
  9. Only barbless or micro-barbed hooks may be used. No bent hooks.
  10. All nuts including tiger nuts are banned.
  11. When fishing for pike and carp a 42” landing net, a suitably sized unhooking mat and forceps must be used plus a carp care kit. Minimum 1m x 60cm a 10cm of padding or a suitable off the ground cradle. If in any doubt ask the bailiff for guidance.
  12. Only semi-fixed leads may be used on all CAS waters when fishing for carp. Leadcore and leaders are allowed but must be no more than 1m long and only to be fished helicopter style thus meaning should anyone have a crack off the leader would drop to the lake bed
  13. Any member found to be leaving litter will receive a life ban.
  14. No live fish to be removed or introduced to any  CAS water. All fish must be returned to the water except for dead, badly diseased or badly injured fish which should be humanely destroyed and reported to the Fisheries Manager or any Committee Member.
  15. No baited hooks shall be left unattended in any circumstances, either in or out of the water. Hooks to be unbaited and made safe.
  16. Members must carry Membership card when fishing CAS waters. Any member failing to produce his/her membership card whilst fishing on CAS waters shall leave the water and have their name and address taken by the person requesting, and their name forwarded to the next Committee Meeting. Anyone reported failing to produce their membership card shall be summoned to the Committee and requested to give reasons why they should not be banned for the rest of the season. Membership cards are the property of CAS and must be handed to a club official when requested.
  17. All anglers over 12 years of age must hold a current EA licence.
  18. Any person leaving a fishery after ceasing to fish will be held responsible for any litter found within a 3 metre radius of their swim.
  19. All gates to be closed and no damage to fences. The club may close any lake whilst the fish are spawning. Notices will be placed at the lake and on Facebook but please use common sense and please do not fish for spawning fish.

You MUST dip your nets/cradles etc in the tank provided whilst fishing at Ballast. Failure to do so will lose you your membership.

Junior Rules

  1. Juniors start at age 12 until age 16
  2. Parents leaving juniors unattended on club waters do so at their own risk and must be contactable at all times.
  3. Juniors at age 12 must have a valid Environment Agency rod licence (which are free for 13 to 16 year olds).
  4. Under 18s may use two rods on CAS waters only (see individual shared venue rules before attending the fishery).
  5. No lure or pike fishing unless supervised by an adult member.


CAS have exchange arrangements with 3 other fishing clubs. You can fish these other waters on production of your membership card to Jack Frost Tackle, Crawley, or The Tackle Warehouse, Crawley, on a loan basis, and applications must be made during shop hours only. permit to the other waters is returned. Access to the following waters is available by CAS members: Henfield Angling, Leatherhead, Petworth Angling. Remember we are guests on these waters. If requested to show your exchange book by any of the clubs officers, you must do this on request. Failure to abide by their rules or any infringement of the fishing rights will result in a suspension of your membership and may result in a complete ban (check with club secretary as more exchange venues may be available).

  1. GUEST PERMITS Only Senior members of CAS are permitted to take a maximum of 2 guests onto CAS waters (Buchan Park, Ballast Hole, Mill Pond and Milton Mount only) provided they obtain before hand a Guest Permit. Cost £10.00 per day for a Senior,£20 per 24hrs and £5.00 for a junior guest, £5.00 for any non fishing guests. Guest Permits are available from Jack Frost Tackle and Tackle Warehouse. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests abide by all club rules.
  2. SPECIMEN FISH Members wishing to register the weight of specimen fish shall ensure that it is properly weighed, identified and witnessed, in the presence of two independent witnesses (anglers). The particulars should be sent to the Club Secretary WITHIN 14 DAYS ON A PROPERLY WITNESSED PAPER.
  3. Any person infringing, breaking or disregarding any of the above by-laws or acting in any way deemed by the Society Committee to amount to misconduct or conduct prejudicial to the members of the Society may be called upon to give reason for his/her action and, failing to satisfy the Society Committee, may be liable to suspension from fishing the Society’s waters
  4. Maximum Size 4 Hooks on all waters
  7. Dogs are allowed on club waters (not shared venues) providing they are under full control by their owners at all times, do not cause annoyance to other anglers or members of the public and any mess or fouling is cleaned up immediately and removed from the venue when the owner leaves. Any member who breaks this rule will be banned from taking their dog to club venues for life.
  8. Livebaiting for predators is prohibited on all CAS waters.
  9.  Members intending to fish after dark or over night (where permitted) must possess a toilet bucket/bag (and not use lakeside woodland as a toilet). You should take your deposits away with you when you leave or use the dog waste bins if available. Bailiffs will ask to see evidence that you possess this equipment and failure to comply will result in you having to leave the fishery immediately.

Life Members

Mr D Bonsels, Mr L Wells, Mr S Jones, Mr S Clark Mr B Barnett, Ms G Granger, Mr I Hodder, Mr B Wheeler, Mr L Holman, Mr Paul Jackman



  1. All members to be bound by this Constitution and by-laws.
  2. The Society shall be called “Crawley Angling Society” and shall be run by the Committee.
  3. Object: The general object of the club shall be to provide the facilities of an angling club for it’s members, including the organisation and provision of angling, and to promote good sportsmanship and the best interests of anglers and angling.
  4. The Committee shall consist of chairman, secretary, treasurer, Fisheries Manager and Head Bailiff  who shall be elected at a general meeting or as required if no general meeting takes place.
  5. Members elected onto the committee and officers of the Society must hold a current CAS membership before the first committee meeting at the start of the new year except the chairman, secretary and treasurer who shall be honorary members,
  6. Proposer and Seconder of Officers for election must have been a member of CAS for at least one year and also anyone nominated for position of an officer.
  7. The Committee shall meet once a month, venue and date at their discretion. Five members shall form a quorum.
  8. Any member of the Committee failing to attend two successive meetings ceases to be a member of the Committee unless he/she has informed the Honorary Secretary prior to meetings. Vacancies occurring thus or by resignation may be filled by another member of the Society by co-option.
  9. Officers of other angling clubs cannot hold office in the Society.
  10. All members must be fully conversant with the Rules of the Society.
  11. The Committee shall have power to deal with any occurrence unprovided for in these rules during the current season.
  12. A special general meeting may only be called by the committee or, if necessary by a signed requisition of two thirds of the membership in addition to the proposer and seconder regarding a specific issue, giving 30 days notice. This specific issue will then be considered by the committee at their next committee meeting. No other business to be dealt with at the special general meeting except that stated in the proposal.
  13. Such proposed alterations to be first submitted to a committee meeting which shall state their recommendations.
  14. Life honorary members may only be elected or rescinded by the committee.
  15. The Committee reserves the right to refuse or rescind membership.
  16. All monies received for and on behalf of the Society by anyone shall be paid to the Treasurer, who shall issue a receipt and pay the same within a reasonable time into the Society’s bank account.
  17. All cheques to be countersigned by the treasurer and chairman.
  18. The Treasurer shall produce the pass book to the committee when called to do so; notice having been given at the last committee meeting.
  19. A qualified accountant shall examine the accounts and certify to their accuracy, and these shall be presented to the committee.
  20. Renewal is only available online by visiting and following the instructions.
  21. A general meeting and venue shall only be arranged by the committee.
  22. At all meetings, the minutes (if taken) of the previous meeting shall be accepted by the committee and signed by the chairman.
  23. Subscriptions and any other financial matters shall be decided, agreed and imposed by the committee.
  24. Membership runs for 12 months from time of joining (not 1st May – 30th April as previously).
    Senior membership commences at the age of 16. Senior citizens at state pension age shall have discounted membership on production of documentary evidence. Junior members (15 years or under) will also be entitled to discounted membership.
  25. The Membership and electronic rule book shall remain the property of Crawley Angling Society and must be carried on all club waters at all times.
  26. No persons shall be permitted to fish in the Society’s waters before having obtained either a membership card or Crawley Angling Society’s guest ticket which is non-transferable.
  27. The close season shall be in accordance with the act of parliament currently in force and/or the fishery owner.
  28. Guest tickets are available through existing members of the club on production of membership card at £10.00 per day and £20 per 24hrs. Members are responsible for ensuring that their guests abide by all club rules. Each guest must be accompanied by a society member. Maximum 2 guests per member. Juniors may not purchase guest tickets.
  29. Members wishing to night fish Buchan Park on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday nights only MUST be in procession of a NIGHT MEMBERSHIP CARD. Please remember to bring your previous membership details when buying a night membership as you will not be able to join without this.
  30. All membership cards and temporary permits must be handed in when requested by any committee member or bailiff.
  31. All members must observe the country code and respect the wildlife.
  32. The society accepts no responsibility for any injury or loss, howsoever caused, whilst on CAS waters.
  33. All trophy winners must return trophies to the cup custodian by 1st December each year in a clean, undamaged condition. Should trophy have been damaged whilst in possession of the winner, then an amount specified by the committee shall be deemed payable.
  34. The Society shall not be dissolved whilst it has one hundred (100) subscribing members. Should it be deemed necessary for the Society to be dissolved all club property and funds shall be donated to the Angling Trust after satisfying all liabilities.
  35. Membership cards may be confiscated by any member of the committee or serving bailiff for breach of rules contained herein. The penalty and loss of membership time will be decided at committee’s discretion. Membership cards are the property of CAS.
  36. Senior members will be entitled to one vote at a general meeting if one is held. Junior members are not entitled to vote.
  37. No cans or glass bottles are to be taken onto club run waters.
  38. Bivvies may be used provided they are recognised by the tackle trade as being such. See separate rules for individual lakes.
  39. No member shall fish within 25 metres either side of electricity cable or pylon. The Society accept no responsibility for any injury or damage suffered as a result of a breach of this rule.
  40. Any pollution or suspected pollution must be reported to the fisheries manager immediately or the appropriate authority as stipulated on the EA licence.
  41. Tackle should be removed from the swim if the angler has to leave the lake for longer than 1 hour.
  42. Junior non-members under 12, fishing with a member, may only use 1 rod.
  43. Crawley Angling Society committee members and it’s officers thereof  will not incur any personal liability in the performance of their duties and the membership of the society will indemnify the committee and and the officers against any such liability that may arise at any time.