Buchan Park


BUCHAN PARKHORSHAM ROAD, CRAWLEY RH11 9HQ (Maintains close season)



This lake is situated off the Crawley to Horsham Road (A2220 formerly the A264) from Crawley Town Centre. Take the A23 south (signposted to Brighton), and on arrival at the  Cheals roundabout, take the last exit off (A2220 formerly the A264). Straight over the first two roundabouts, you will see a sign on your left hand side “Buchan Country Park”. Turn left and follow signs to car park. Once parked, walk over bridge to lake.

Size of lake:

5 acres. Swims: 35.

Lake contains:

Roach 1lb, Rudd 3/4lb, Perch 3lb+, Bream 8lb+, Sun- fish 20z, Carp 30lb+, Pike 20lb+, Tench 2lb, Crucian Carp 2lb.


Rules of the lake

These rules must be strictly adhered to. Any contravention will lead to instant dismissal. Fishing is not allowed on the small lake or from the Causeway (Island Pond).  E.A.  Closed season 15th March to 15th June inc. in force. Permitted fishing times are 16th June-31st Aug, 8am-9pm. 1st Sept – 31st Oct, 8am-8pm. 1st November – 14th March 8am – 6pm – Check opening times. Night Anglers ONLY may enter the park any day at 6am and must draw for swims at the boat house at 6.30 but must leave the swim by 9.30 to be out of the park by 10pm.

  1. Carp sacks are not permitted at this venue except in competitions. keepnets allowed (excluding Carp)
  2. No member is permitted to take any fish away from the water and no fish from any other source is to be introduced.
  3. No member may fish from other than at the cleared swims provided. Take note of no-fishing areas on map
  4. If a rod is left unattended, the hook must be withdrawn from the water and made safe.
  5. The banks and adjoining lands must not be dug for worms or other reasons. No cutting or trimming of trees or bushes is allowed and flowers and flowering shrubs are to be left untouched.
  6. All members shall be responsible for clearing away all litter at the position at which they are fishing and either removing same from the fishery or depositing same in one of the litter bins provided. No camping allowed and no fires or barbecues to be lit.
  7. No loose hooks, lengths of nylon line or wire traces in any form must be left on the fishery.
  8. No member may take or permit to be taken any air-gun, air-pistol or firearm onto the fishery and no portable wireless sets, transistors or otherwise are permitted.
  9. No boats or water craft of any description are allowed on either lake. No swimming.
  10. No roach or other species may be taken from the fishery for use as live or dead bait.
  11. Members must ensure that the main access path to the lakes and the public footpath are not obstructed in any way and no inconvenience is caused to the general public using the footpath.
  12. Anglers must ensure that their cars are not parked anywhere on the County Council property other than in the designated official car park and that access to the garage fronting the car park is kept clear.
  13. Any person, upon being challenged, failing to produce a current membership book will be required to give their name and address and leave the fishery.
  14. Any person infringing, breaking or disregarding any of the above bye-laws or acting in any way deemed by the Committee to amount to misconduct or conduct prejudicial to the members of the Association, may be called upon to give reasons for his/her action and, failing to satisfy the Committee, may be liable to suspension from fishing the waters.
  15. Only two rods per angler to be used at any one time.
  16. Night fishing is allowed on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights.   Members must be in possession of a night fishing membership. Night anglers must be off the lake outside the permitted fishing times. ‘Tackling up’ ready to fish on non night fishing evenings is forbidden. Rule breakers will be banned from CAS.
  17. Umbrellas only are allowed to be used on this water. No bivvis.
  18. When night fishing, no leaving the lake between dusk and dawn, unless it is an emergency.
  19. Swim 34 at the far end of the lake is 8am – 8pm fishing only due to the snags in the vicinity so night fishing is not allowed there. Anyone breaking this rule will receive a ban from the club.


Rules for disabled anglers parking within Buchan Country Park
When possible, it is preferred that anglers park in the designated parking bays in the car park. However when this is not an option, he following rules must be adhered to.
  1. Only blue badge holding anglers who have registered with Crawly Angling Society and agree to abide by these rules may drive beyond the car park into Buchan Country Park.
  2. When driving on site display hazard warning lights and do not exceed 5mph.
  3. When driving on site you must give way to pedestrians and cyclists.
  4. When driving on site be aware of dogs and children who may appear without warning.
  5. You may only park in the designated area shown on the attached map.
  6. No more than 2 cars may park in this area at any one time.
  7. You may only turn your vehicle in the designated area shown on the map.
  8. You may not drive your car beyond the points shown on the map.
  9. You must park your car facing towards the exit and as close to the fence line as possible so as not to obstruct the path.
  10. When parked on site you must display your blue badge and disabled angler parking sign in the windscreen at all times.
  11. Cars are left at the owners own risk and West Sussex County Council is not responsible for any damage caused to your car by any 3rd party or animal using the country Park. Any claims arising would be made through the drivers own insurance company.